
Photo By: Rostam Zandi ©

(Disclaimer) By no means am I a bird photographer…
This image was shot on the 220122 in #Luleå, Sweden.

#Sidensvans (Swedish (#BombycillaGarrulus) is a #bird that belongs to the order of #wagtails in the #silktail family. The species breeds in the northernmost parts of #Eurasia and northwestern #NorthAmerica. In #winter it can be observed in large #flocks further south.

In #Sweden, it breeds mainly in the #ConiferousForests of northern #Norrland, but also along the coast of #Norrbotten and #Västerbotten. It has been observed as far south as #Västmanland, #Närke, #Uppland and northern #Småland, and can even exceptionally breed there.

In #Finland, where it is very common, it has been observed throughout the country.

The silktail was first described taxonomically by #CarlVonLinné in 1758 in the tenth edition of his #SystemaNaturae. He described it as Lanius Garrulus and thus placed it in the same genus as the thornbush. Its current genus Bombycilla was described in 1808 by #LouisJeanPierreVieillot.

The #scientific genus name Bombycilla is derived from the #Latin Bombyx, meaning “silk” or “silk”, and cilla, which is Neo-Latin for “tail”. This is a direct translation of the Swedish silk tail and refers to the bird’s silky plumage. Its species epithet, garrulus, means “talkative” and refers to its appearance similarities with the nuthatch (Glandularius garrulus).

Photo By: Rostam Zandi Rozanoff ©

Posted in <a href="http://z.rozanoff.se/category/norrbotten/" rel="category tag">Norrbotten</a>, <a href="http://z.rozanoff.se/category/photography/" rel="category tag">Photography</a>Tagged <a href="http://z.rozanoff.se/tag/finland/" rel="tag">finland</a>, <a href="http://z.rozanoff.se/tag/lulea/" rel="tag">Luleå</a>, <a href="http://z.rozanoff.se/tag/norrbotten/" rel="tag">Norrbotten</a>, <a href="http://z.rozanoff.se/tag/norrland/" rel="tag">Norrland</a>, <a href="http://z.rozanoff.se/tag/sverige/" rel="tag">Sverige</a>, <a href="http://z.rozanoff.se/tag/sweden/" rel="tag">Sweden</a>